SPICT-DK™ 2019 (Denmark)
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I Danmark har man særligt sundhedspolitisk fokus på udvikle basal palliativ indsats og i manglen på redskaber til at identificere mennesker med behov for palliativ indsats, blev der i REHPA (Videncenter for Rehabilitering og Palliation) i 2018 etableret en arbejdsgruppe med formålet at oversætte og tilpasse SPICT™ i en dansk kontekst.
Arbejdsgruppen bestod af:
Heidi Bergenholtz, klinisk sygeplejespecialist/postdoc, Holbæk Sygehus samt REHPA, Videncenter for Rehabilitering og Palliation, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet (tovholder)
Anna Weibull, praktiserende læge, Norddjurs Kommune (indtil 31/5 2018) derefter afdelingslæge, Enhed for Lindrende Behandling, Aarhus Universitetshospital;
Mette Raunkiær (MR), seniorforsker, REHPA, Videncenter for Rehabilitering og Palliation, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet.
Med inspiration fra både oversættelsesguiden for EORTC- skemaet, og TRAPD-modellen (Translation, Review, Adjudication, Pretesting and Documentation) fandt oversættelsesprocessen sted i en oversættelse og tilbageoversættelse (forward-backward) procedure.
Herefter blev skemaet vurderet og diskuteret blandt de 29 sundhedsprofessionelle, fra både sygehus og primær sektor.
Der er udarbejdet et REHPA-notat der beskriver oversættelsen og interviewene i detaljer og som kan findes på REHPA hjemmeside www.rehpa.dk
For further information please contact:
Heidi Bergenholtz, hbz@regionsjaelland.dk
Anna Weibull, daugaardweibull@dadlnet.dk
Mette Raunkiær, mette.raunkiaer@rsyd.dk
In English:
A working group consisting of representants from REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark & Holbæk Hospital & Norddjurs Kommune have translated and tested the cultural adaption of SPICT in a Danish context.
The translation was inspired partly by the TRAPD-translation model (Translation, Review, Adjudication, Pretesting, and Documentation) and partly by EORTC Quality of Life Translation Procedure.
The working group was:
Heidi Bergenholtz, RN, Post doc, Clinical Nursing Specialist, Holbæk Hospital, Denmark & Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.
Anna Weibull, General Practitioner, Specialist in general medicine, Norddjurs kommune, Grenaa, Denmark
Mette Raunkiær, RN, MSc, Ph.D., senior researcher, REHPA, the Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.
The SPICT™ programme is an international collaborative project based at The University of Edinburgh.
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Poster created by Anna Weibull for the exhibition at the NCGP (Nordic Congress of general Pratice) 2019