In Prisons
People who are getting less well from one or more health problems often miss out on extra care and support because they are not offered the right help soon enough. This includes prisoners with ongoing health problems.
The SPICT tool helps health and care staff find people who might benefit from palliative care and more support including planning for future care.
Patients, family carers and staff working in health and care said we need a version of SPICT™ with less ‘medical’ language that makes sense to everyone.
SPICT-4ALL aims to make it easier for everyone to see and talk about signs that a person’s overall health may be getting worse. This is important for prisoners, family members and other people close to them, and prison staff.
SPICT-4ALL in Prisons was developed by Maria O’Neill, Palliative Clinical Nurse Specialist for Health and Justice System, Cambridgeshire and other colleagues working in UK prisons.
The SPICT™ programme is an international collaborative project based at The University of Edinburgh.
This SPICT™ tool is free to download. SPICT™ must not be reproduced in any other format nor modified in any way without permission.
All users are responsible for ensuring that they use the current version of this SPICT™ tool and for any use they make of SPICT™ and SPICT resources.
We now offer a service that gives SPICT Platinum Partners access to a customised version of SPICT™ with their own organisational logo.
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This is important so that all SPICT-4ALL users are aware of any changes or important information from the SPICT programme.
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