

SSM Health-Greater Fond Du Lac

Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin

Services Offered

Palliative care services-inpatient and outpatient settings. Palliative Medicine clinic.


During a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) practice change project, the SPICT will be used in the pulmonology clinic to assist providers in increasing COPD patient referrals to palliative care services for symptom management and goals of care discussions. If we see an increase in referrals, the SPICT tool will be expanded to other specialty clinics to aid providers by having a tool to assist with timely referral to palliative care services.

Other information

The SPICT tool is currently being used to assist a DNP scholar in implementing a process change.

Wings Over Virginia Hospice

Norfolk, VA

Services Offered

The patient’s personal physician may remain involved

Bereavement support for 13 months


Durable Medical Equipment and supplies

Medication related to the terminal illness

4 levels of care: Short term In-Patient, Respite Care, Continuous Care and Routine Home Care


Educate on the use of the tool with our office referral sources

Health Partners Medical Group – Minnesota

healthpartnersHealthPartners is a not-for-profit HMO along with Medical Groups and Clinics and our mission is to improve the health of our members and our community.  

Our goal in using a Partner SPICT is to educate our community on what hospice and palliative care is and does along with offering a guide for our providers (physicians, NPs) as to who is appropriate for hospice/palliative care.  We hope to have fewer patients who die in our program in under 7 days.

Contact:  Karen Waldron

SUNY Upstate University Hospital – New York

Services Offered

We are planning to use this for an initial assessment in our Adult and Pediatric Primary Care clinics to better communicate with our patients prior to end-of-life so that all parties including the patient and their care givers can understand the patients wishes and to better assist the patient with pain control.

Uses of SPICT

We will be adding HIV/AIDS and all patients on the transplant wait list or that have complications/rejection to their transplant. We will also be integrating this into our electronic health record system.

Contact:  Michelle Slade