
Partners are listed by country (in alphabetical order) so just scroll down or use the Contents box to find an entry.

Become a SPICT Platinum Partner

Platinum Partners by Country


Australian eHealth Research Centre CSIRO



Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) is CSIRO’s digital health research program – enabling the digital transformation of healthcare to improve services and clinical treatment for Australians. We have world leading capability in areas such as clinical terminology and data interoperability; health data analytics; clinical image analysis; genomics data analytics and engineering; biostatistics, mobile health, tele-health and health internet of things, amongst many others. We work with many collaborators across the healthcare system to improve diagnosis and treatment across Australia and internationally.


The end goal is to digitise the SPICT tool so as to integrate with current aged care facility practices. It is hoped that this will improve the provision of end-of-life care for those receiving it and those delivering it.

The AEHRC CSIRO are working in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology to deliver this project.

BaptistCare NSW & ACT


New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

As previously outlined.


Screening on admission and Registered nurses identifying deterioration.
ELDAC funded programs promote SPICT.

CareSearch, Flinders University




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

CareSearch/palliAGED is a program funded by the Australian Government to enhance the provision of evidence-based palliative care to the Australian population by providing online information and resources to health and aged care workers, and to the broader community. As part of this the project manages two websites to disseminate information and support care needs across the life course ( and in aged care (

A strong focus of the program is to enhance the identification and synthesis of evidence to support best practice palliative care including the use of evidence based tools.


In addition to the synthesis of evidence we provide practice relevant summaries which include SPICT as part of a suite of validated tools to support evidence-based best practice in palliative care.



Eight Mile Plains QLD


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The caring@home project aims to support quality and timely end of life care for patients who choose to be cared for and die at home, if possible.

It is an Australian- Government funded project that continues to develop and provide free nationally consistent, practical, and evidence-based clinical resources and education for health professionals that supports:

- Pro-active planning for end- of- life care
- Families and carers to help manage breakthrough symptoms at home
- Patients to be cared for and die (if possible) in their place of choice.


caring@home recommends that the SPICT tool be used as a part of the trigger to commence care planning for the last 12 months of life as per the Palliative and End-of-life Framework: an evidence-based, best practice framework developed by caring@home.

Click to access palliative_eol_care_framework.pdf

Carinity - Baptist Community Services




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

We are an aged care organization Carinity- Baptist Community Service, currently with 11 Residential aged care services are working to improve our palliative care approach. Hence the request to use this form electronically and load onto iCare . We would like to use it as part of our initial and on-going assessment of residents so we can track current trajectory of residents care


We currently have a partnership with ELDAC ( palliative care) and it was their suggestion that we uses this tool to ensure we follow best practice ideals

Darling Downs Hospital Health Service


Darling Downs, Queensland


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Darling Downs Health provides public hospital and healthcare services to nearly 300,000 people from 29 facilities, which includes one large regional referral hospital, one extended inpatient mental health service, three medium sized regional hub hospitals, twelve rural hospitals, three multipurpose health services, three community outpatient clinics and six residential aged care facilities. Darling Downs Health also has a learning, research and innovation role. Darling Downs Health partners with a number of tertiary education institutions to provide undergraduate and postgraduate clinical placements.

The Darling Downs Health region is a large and diverse geographic area covering some 90,000 square kilometres. We are one of the largest employers in the region, employing more than 5,000 people, and managing a budget of more than $750 million annually.

Toowoomba Hospital is a secondary hospital and is the largest hospital in Darling Downs Health providing ambulatory care (including Emergency Department, Specialist Outpatient Services, Day Procedures Unit Dialysis and Oncology services), acute inpatient care including Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedic, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Special Care Nursery, Intensive and Coronary Care, Theatre, Geriatric Adult Rehabilitation and Stroke Service (GARSS), Aged Care and Palliative Care.

Further details about Darling Downs’ other hospitals and health services can be found at:


The 2019 SPICT and SPICT-4ALL tools will be modified to include the Darling Downs Health logo and adopted along with Using SPICT guides tailored to the local health needs and services in Darling Downs Health area.

The SPICT tools will be used to assist clinicians to identify patients who might benefit from end-of-life care planning. The RED-MAP framework ,resources and teaching videos will be utilised to facilitate discussions about end-of-life care.

The tools will be available to in-hospital and community-based clinicians, including General Practitioners working with Darling Downs Health.

East Metropolitan Health Service


Perth, Western Australia


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) comprises an extensive hospital and health service network that aims to maintain and improve the health and wellbeing of more than 725,500 Western Australians in its catchment area.

Our hospital network works together to provide a combination of tertiary, secondary and specialist health care services including emergency and critical care, state trauma, elective and emergency surgery, general medical, mental health, inpatient and outpatient services, aged care, palliative care, rehabilitation and women’s, children’s and neonates services.

EMHS recognises the multifaceted challenges associated with the different stages of the end-of-life journey and is committed to person-centre care while a person is living with a life-limiting condition and in the lead up to their death, as well as support for the person’s carer and family, including after the person’s death.


EMHS plans to use the SPICT as part of multi-tiered education approach around end-of-life and palliative care across the service; making the SPICT available to clinical staff to support the timely identification of people who would benefit from Goals of Patient Care discussions and referral to palliative care; and in the longer term, integrating the SPICT into systematic approaches to caring for people nearing end-of-life.

ELDAC (End of Life Directions for Aged Care)




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) is a project that seeks to improve the care of older Australians through advance care planning activities and palliative care connections. ELDAC is supporting the aged care workforce to provide quality palliative care through:
1. Sharing free palliative care and advance care planning information, guidance, and resources that
are evidence-based on the ELDAC website;
2. Developing innovative palliative care technology solutions for aged care;
3. Building workforce capacity through education;
4. Creating partnerships between specialist palliative care and aged care services;
5. Providing evidence and resources to support system capability.
The ELDAC project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.


ELDAC recommends through our website and engagement with the aged care sector the SPICT as part of best practice for end of life care across all aged care settings. The SPICT is part of ELDAC’s suite of Common Clinical Tools that are evidenced-based and free to use. We also suggest that our aged care service partners participating in the ELDAC Linkages Program use the SPICT in their practice.

Elderbloom Community Care Centres


55 Belgrade Road Wanneroo W.A. 6065


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

aged care residential care services for 155 residents across 3 facilities.
Services include memory support (dementia) units, clinical and personal care, Palliative Care.


To assist with identifying our residents' trajectory stage to ensure effective holistic approach and outcomes based on residents assessed needs and wishes.

End-of-Life Essentials


Flinders University


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

End-of-Life Essentials is an Australian government funded project offering free peer-reviewed online education modules on health care at the end of life in acute hospitals for nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.

A range of implementation tools are also available to assist managers and clinicians to implement a unified approach to strategies and processes which will inform end-of-life care.

End-of-Life Essentials is based on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care's National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care, and the Commission provides ongoing advice to the project.


The SPICT is included in resources of evidence-based and useful tools to assist health care professionals identify patients who are at the end of life and enhance the safety and quality of services provided.

PallConsult, Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative


Metro South Palliative Care Service, Metro South Health, Brisbane, Queensland


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The PallConsult service, is designed to boost capacity of local health care teams to deliver high-quality person-centred palliative and end-of-life care. The service provides specialist palliative care 24/7 telephone advice to clinicians; as well as providing tailored education, vocational training, mentoring and resources for health and aged care professionals across Queensland.


The SPICT is included in PallConsult education, training and mentoring as part of evidenced-based resources and tools to support and be used by clinicians as part of their assessment to identify patients who would benefit from palliative care.

The Bethanie Group


Western Australia

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Our Aged Care Facilities offer person-centred care in a supportive and comfortable home-like environment.

We respect each person’s story and show people the dignity they deserve. We provide a wide range of services including chaplaincy and dementia care.


The Bethanie Group plans to use the SPICT as an electronic tool to evaluate care plans. The SPICT guides a more targeted approach to individualised care plan evaluation. It focusses on what it is that the customer needs to be able to live the best quality of life possible. This approach facilities an opportunity for crucial conversations about advance care planning in a sensitive and timely manner.

WA Country Health Services (WACHS)


Perth, Western Australia


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) provides healthcare to more than 500,000 rural and remote West Australians across an area of more than 2.5 million square kilometres.
The population we provide care to is diverse and expansive and as a result has widely varying health needs. With this, our palliative care services are continuing to grow through the early identification of palliative care patients within the regions.
Across the state we have six large regional hospitals, 15 medium sized district hospitals and 48 small hospitals. Along with this there are 31 health centres and nursing posts, four dedicated mental health inpatient units and 24 dedicated mental health services, which also provide outreach services to more remote locations, and over 170 other facilities where population health teams are based.


The Supportive and Palliative Care Indicator Tool (SPICT) supports the WA Country Health Service’s commitment to providing the best possible palliative care closer to home for our regional patients.
SPICT supports our specialist and generalist clinicians to understand that palliative care is wider than providing support to those with cancer.
SPICT facilitates early identification of all palliative care patients, enables improved symptom management and prompts discussion with the patient and carer about their values and wishes for future care.


Health PEI


Prince Edward Island, Provincial Palliative Care Centre


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Health PEI (HPEI) is a crown corporation established under the Health Services Act and is responsibile for the delivery of publicly funded health services in Prince Edward Island. This corporation is govered by a Board of Directors who works on behalf of all Islanders to ensure the management and delivery of safe, quality health care. The board oversees the work of the Chief Executive Officer and is accountable to the Provincial Minister of Health and Wellness.

The Provincial Integrated Palliative Care Program (P-IPCP) is one of many health services provided by HPEI. Established in 2004 as an integrated approach to palliative care, this program is managed by a Provincial Integrated Palliative Care Team and provides a combination of active & compassionate therapies intended to comfort & support individuals living with or dying from a progressive life threatening illness, their families & the bereaved.


In the spring of 2018, the P-IPCP received funding support from the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) to build upon the foundation of P-IPCP to provide earlier integration and better access to quality palliative and EOL care in many care settings across the province including Home Care, Long-term Care, Acute Care and the Provincial Cancer Treatment Centres, Primary Care, Emergency Medical Services and First Nations Communities (a total of 40 health care sites).

One of the main outcomes of the project is to build provider competency in palliative care by adopting provider algorithms, assessment tools/resources including care pathways and guidelines for qulity palliative care. The SPICT tool has been identified by the Project Management Team as a potential tool that would be helpful to identify people with general indicators of poor or deteriorating health and clinical signs of life-limiting conditions for assessment and care planning. All providers will receive training on how to use this tool (in addition to Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Scale, Palliative Performance Scale) to build provider competency in palliative care. Once trained, providers will determine what data will be collected surrounding the implementation of this tool to support the Project and the work of our CPAC partnership.

Life and Death Matters


Victoria, British Columbia


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The mission of Life and Death Matters is to improve care of the dying person and their family through "delicious and digestible", engaging and user-friendly, palliative care education and resources for nurses, health care workers, and educators.

The text, 'Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse, and companion workbook, online resources and instructor resources are designed for nurses and nursing students. The content addresses competencies for all nurses who care for the dying.

The text, 'Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers, the companion workbook, online resources and instructor resources are designed for front-line caregivers, those will less than a year of formal health care education. These caregivers are often with the person and family more than any other team members, and yet are often provided the least education and support.

In 2019 the nursing text was adapted and translated into Spanish for use in Mexico and Latin America.


The SPICT is included in the chapter on TOOLS in both the English and Spanish version of the nursing text.

The text is being used in core curriculum for nurses, including Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Practical Nurse programs.

In the workplace the text is used for orientation and ongoing education in long term care, hospice and palliative care, community care and acute care settings.

We look forward to connecting with others in the SPICT community.
Please feel free to reach out to us!
Warm regards,
Kath Murray
Life and Death Matters

Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Heatlh


Victoria, BC

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

BC Palliative Care Benefits support individuals of any age at the end stage of a life-threatening disease or illness and want to receive medically appropriate palliative care at home.

Through this program, B.C. residents who are eligible to receive palliative care services at home can:
• receive PharmaCare assistance with the cost of palliative medications
• access certain palliative medical supplies and equipment from their health authority


Palliative Care Benefits are available to all B.C. residents with active MSP coverage who:
• are living at home
• have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or condition
• have a life expectancy of up to six months, and
• consent to the focus of care being palliative rather than treatment aimed at cure.

The Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool helps guide the medical/nurse practitioners in determining a patient’s medical eligibility.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority


Winnipeg, Manitoba


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Palliative Care program provides palliative and end of life care to all ages of patients within the Winnipeg area. We provide in-hospital consultation, hospice services, inpatient palliative tertiary care facilities and palliative home care.


SPICT will be used to identify patients who would benefit from enrollment on a palliative care program or from a palliative approach to care.


Knowledge Center of Community Palliative Care, Copenhagen


Vigerslevvej 180, 2500 Valby, Copenhagen

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Knowledge Center of Community Palliative Care, Copenhagen, provides education and competence development in palliative care for healthcare workers in Copenhagen.
The Center was established in august 2020 and supports healthcare workers in nursing homes and home nursing care to provide dignity in end-of-life care.
The Center consist of a group of well educated nurses, trained in hospitals and hospices, all with knowledge and long experience with end-of-life care.
Our service has access to knowledge from physiotherapist, social worker, music therapist and doctors in palliative care.
Our work and services are embedded in recommendations from national authorities and guidelines.


The SPICT-4ALL will used to assist healthcare workers in identyfying people who might benifit from end-of-life care planning. Especially social and healthcare workers with limited knowledge about end-of-life care.
Knowledge about the tool will be dismininated nationally so that all healt professionals will have knowledge of and access to the tool. In addition, the tool will be available to in-hospital and community-based clinicians, including general practitioners.


Institute for General Practice and Palliative Care, Hannover Medical School




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Our research team and clinical academics use and evaluate SPICT-DE in different care settings in Germany, including general practice.


We have worked closely with the SPICT International Programme for several years and Dr Kambiz Afshar has led the translation and adaptation of SPICT-DE and SPICT-4ALL-DE.

Our research focuses on testing SPICT in daily clinical practice for acceptability among GPs and their teams, and to evaluate the effects of early intervention (e.g. on medication, hospitalization, advance directives, referral to specialist palliative care).


Landspitali the National University Hospital of Iceland


Kopavogsgerdi 5-7, 200 Kopavogur


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

A national strategy for Palliative Care in Iceland was published in March 2021 where the focus is on improving general palliative care in all levels of health care all over the country. The Center for Palliative Care in Iceland was established in May 2021 and supports healthcare professionals providing palliative and end-of-life care both in nursing homes, hospitals and home care.
The Center provides education and competence development in palliative care for healthcare professionals. The Center consist of a group of health care professionals specialized in palliative care.

Fimm ára aðgerðaáætlun um líknarþjónustu á Íslandi var gefin út í mars 2021 þar sem áhersla er lögð á að efla almenna líknarmeðferð á öllum þjónustustigum. Líknarmiðstöð á Landspítala var stofnuð í maí 2021 og er í samstarfi við SAk.
Líknarmiðstöðin veitir fræðslu og þjálfun um líknarmeðferð til heilbrigðisstarfsfólks á Íslandi. Hún veitir einnig ráðgjöf og stuðning til heilbrigðisstarfsfólks í heimahjúkrun, á hjúkrunarheimilum og öðrum stofnunum.


SPICT helps clinicians identify people with one or more general indicators of poor or
deteriorating health and clinical signs of life-limiting conditions for assessment and care planning.
SPICT looks for changes in health status, burden of illness and increasing care needs.

SPICT matstækið hjálpar heilbrigðisstarfsmönnum að bera kennsl á einstaklinga sem hafa eina eða fleiri vísbendingar um versnandi heilsufar eða klínísk merki um lífsógnandi ástand. Gera þarf heildrænt mat á þörfum þessara einstaklinga og eiga við þá samtal um framtíðina og meðferðarmarkmið og leggja þarf fram áætlun um framhaldið.

These documents are not the final version. The are being worked on by a graphic designer. Would you please provide us with your logo to put in?


Antea Associazione Onlus



Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Founded in 1987, Antea is an association that provides free home and hospice care to cancer and non cancer patients with advanced disease. Every day Antea assists 140 outpatients and 25 inpatients. Antea works on educational, training and research projects since 2000.


Antea is using the SPICT to develop projects aimed to implement educational and research initiatives for the spreading of early palliative care approach in primary and secondary care.


Academic Medical Center




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam is a hospital where innovative medicine and top medical science come together.


we use SPICT in one of our research.

New Zealand

Hospice New Zealand

New Zealand



Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Hospice New Zealand is the national organisation for hospices in New Zealand. Our Vison is that 'Every person in Aotearoa New Zealand has access to quality palliative care when and where they need it'.
Hospice NZ leads and supports the hospice movement in New Zealand, working to ensure equity of access and consistent delivery of palliative care as a core part of the nation’s public health system.This is achieved through advocacy for better access to, and outcomes from, quality palliative care; workforce development through education and professional development programmers and resources; developing resources for family carers; supporting cultural competency across hospices; developing a national hospice data infrastructure; and running national awareness and fundraising campaigns.


Hospice New Zealand would like to use the SPICT as part of recommended national referral criteria for specialist palliative care. The referral criteria have been developed to assist referrers in determining when they should consider referral to a specialist palliative care service, either a hospital based specialist palliative care team or community based specialist service provided through a local hospice.
The referral criteria sit alongside other national documents including recommended community specialist palliative care core service components and a palliative care complexity and outcome assessment guide.


Slovenian Association of Palliative and Hospice Care




Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The Slovenian Association of Palliative and Hospice Care is an independent professional unit of Slovenian Medical Association that provides education, training and competency development in palliative care for healthcare workers in Slovenia.

Our main goal is to provide the comprehensive person-centre care through addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with the different stages of illness and supporting the person’s carer and family. Our aim is to promote palliative care in all levels of the health system, from primary to tertiary level, at home, outpatient clinic and in hospital.


We would like to introduce the use of SPICT in all levels of the health system and all places of care.

Sri Lanka

Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Sri Lanka



Platinum Partner

Services Offered

I, Dr Chamath Fernando, am an academic family physician and am involved with teaching palliative care to medical undergraduates and general practice postgraduate doctors. My patient care, including home visits, are rendered to the community on an honorary basis.

In my position as the chairperson of the Primary Palliative Care Special Interest Group of the Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network, I am currently leading the development of a competency framework in palliative care for physicians engaged in primary care practice in collaboration with other global experts.

A postgraduate diploma in palliative care for Sri Lankan general practitioners is also underway in collaboration with the College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka. Further, I continue to contribute to the evidence base in the discipline of palliative care in Sri Lanka and beyond.


This membership will be instrumental in the process of translating and adapting the SPICT tool to the Sri Lankan (and Indian Tamil) contexts.

It is also anticipated to maintain ongoing collaborations with the SPICT team to develop the field of primary palliative care globally.

United States


United States



Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Palliative Care Program - both established and, due to community resources, tele-palliative care


Standardization of Palliative Care program

Harrington Health Clinic

United States

Portland, Oregon


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Primary care and primary palliative care to those who are homeless.


It is used as a screening tool to determine further needs for developing primary palliative care plans or moving into specialty palliative care.

UK: England

Connected Palliative Care

UK: England

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Connected Palliative Care is a service for patients and their relatives and carers in Sandwell and West Birmingham who have a life-limiting illness.
We work in partnership with other health professionals such as the GP and community nurses to support and coordinate care.
We lead quality improvement for end of life and palliative care across our care system.


We have used SPICT for many years in paper format to facilitate identification of people with palliative care needs. With new electronic systems we intend to integrate SPICT - into our systems ,SystmOne (Community notes) and Cerner (Acute EPR), to equip all our clinicians with access to evidenced based tool to start conversations, initiate palliative approach and record their reasons for doing so.

Lyndon West Bromwich West Midlands B71 4HJ

Crawley CCG

UK: England


Platinum Partner

Services Offered



Primary care- GPs using this to identify which of their patients are end of life.

Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG

UK: England



Platinum Partner

Services Offered


Locala Community Parterships CIC

UK: England

West Yorkshire


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Locala Community Partnerships provides NHS community services to over 400,000 people in Kirklees, West Yorkshire and beyond. We are a Community Interest Company - an independent, not-for-profit social enterprise. Being a social enterprise means we have the freedom to improve and develop what we do. We deliver NHS services but in a much more coordinated, integrated and community-focused way. The people who are most in touch with people's needs - doctors, nurses and therapists as well as elected members of the public are directly involved in shaping as well as providing our services for patients and families. Locala works with local stakeholders; Kirklees Council, Kirkwood Hospice, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group to plan end-of-life services for the local community.

Locala provides a range of care to adults within the community through nursing, urgent care response, care home support and adult therapy. Clinicians often care for adults living with life-limiting conditions, so future planning and preparation for end-of-life care are key to providing timely, appropriate care.


The value of SPICT™ is well documented, but it is currently used by clinicians as a stand alone application on a mobile phone. Evidence that it has been used to support clinical decision-making is therefore lost within the clinical record. Becoming a Platinum SPICT Partner will enable Locala to develop a SystemOne version of the tool within the online clinical system used by the organisation. The SystemOne SPICT tool will ensure that data is recorded chronologically within a patient's clinical record.

Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske

UK: England


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

- District general hospital within Cornwall, offering services including ED, medical admissions, and outpatients.
- There are also outpatient services in oncology, and inpatient palliative care


- To identify deteriorating patients within general medicine (specifically eldercare), and planning to use it within the outpatient setting. It has yet to be trialled within the hospital, but our advanced care planning steering group would like to trial its usage within eldercare first, with an aim to then branch out into other medical specialities and surgery.

West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

UK: England

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

District general hospital with serving a population of around 280 thousand in Suffolk. Palliative care team support adult patients in all inpatient beds.
The WSH FT also provide community based services as well.


To help identify individuals with deteriorating health who may benefit from advance care planning conversations.

Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

UK: England

Yeovil, Somerset


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

A District General Hospital providing a range of services specialist services including general medicine, cardiology, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, trauma and paediatrics. Inpatient care is provided across the site with 345 inpatient beds.


One of the priorities for the Trust over the next years is to improve the identification of patients who are in need for an advance care planning discussion. We have trialled the use of the SPICT tool within teams such as the Frailty and respiratory who have found it helpful and we are keen to role this out further to assist teams and members of the MDT in this recognition.

Here are two versions of the Yeovil SPICT tool

Standard, with space for a label
Patient Record, with tick boxes against each item.

Become a SPICT Platinum Partner

For a small setup fee, please consider supporting the SPICT project, and become a SPICT Platinum Partner.

Get the current version of SPICT™ with your organisation's logo.

Request other minor amendments to suit your country or organisation.

Join the International SPICT Programme and work together to support its ongoing development.