New Zealand

Counties Manukau District Health Board
Manukau, Auckland New Zealand
Services Offered
SPICT tool added to our Palliative Care Clinical Pathway for primary care
SPICT tool added to our Palliative Care Clinical Pathway for primary care
Services Offered
HealthPathways is an online primary care resource used by more than 17 health regions across New Zealand and Australia. The pathways provide assessment, management, and referral information specific to each region for general practice teams and other community healthcare providers.
Access to HealthPathways is restricted to health professionals responsible for referring to specialty services.
Pathways are developed by work groups consisting of general practitioners, hospital clinicians, and other health professionals. Each region has over 540 clinical pathways, as well as clinical resources and patient information, facilitating consistency in the management of common conditions across general practice and the hospital system.
Taranaki District Health Board
New Plymouth
Services Offered
Public hospital
We have a medical calculator app, and we wish to add the SPICT tool to so our clinicians have improved access.