

Academic Medical Center


Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam is a hospital where innovative medicine and top medical science come together.


we use SPICT in one of our research.

Other information

The Academic Medical Center is a SPICT Platinum Partner.

Medical Centre Leeuwarden



Services Offered

Palliative Care Consultation Team.


We are using SPICT to identify palliative patients and educate primary caregivers on clinical departments and contributing to development of SPICT-NL

PaTz Palliative Homecare


Services Offered

Inspired by the Gold Standards Framework from the UK, this is a grassroots initiative in Amsterdam started in 2010: the PaTz project. Four groups of general practitioners and community nurses were formed and followed in a pilot study. Evidence from this pilot study indicated that the participants were very positive about working together in a PaTz group.

They stated that their cooperation was improved and that they were making more advanced care plans. Moreover, there were positive effects on patient level, such as a decrease in hospital admissions in the last month of life.

Currently, there are over 160 PaTz groups, spread out over the Netherlands.


Identification of patients in need of palliative care at home to start with advanced care planning

Rosengaerde Zorg Thuis


Services Offered

Onze thuiszorg organisatie heeft wekelijk te maken met de inzet van palliatieve zorg en vinden het heel prettig om nu gebruik te maken van dit instrument. Het helpt ons concreet inzichten te verlenen in de situatie.


Graag blijven we op de hoogte van nieuwe ontwikkelingen.

Stichting PaTZ , Palliative Home Care

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Services Offered

The PaTz method is a promising way to improve palliative care in primary care settings. Inspired by the Gold Standards Framework we developed a model of collaboration between GPs and community nurses. A pilot study showed positive results,
e.g. on structurally making care plans for patients in the last phase of life and a reduction of hospitalizations in the last month of life. Above that a good start of implementation has been made with about 80 PaTz groups throughout the Netherlands; yet,
there are important points of attention for a successful further development of PaTz, both in implementation as in improving the PaTz method. A specific point of attention is the need to identify patients at isk of deteriorating and dying.


We want to use the SPICT method in general practice. Both on an individual level and as a way to identify patients for a palliative care register.
We are planning to do a research project on the use of SPICT in general practice in 2016.

Other information

We will use the Dutch translation by Y.Engels et al.