

CAMPP (Calgary's Allied Mobile Palliative Program)


Services Offered

Mobile outreach palliative program to homeless and vulnerably housed individuals in downtown Calgary.


It is being used to bring awareness on who would be appropriate for our program. There is considerable education needed in non-medical staff to alert staff to those people needing early interventation.

Health PEI

Prince Edward Island, Provincial Palliative Care Centre

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

Health PEI (HPEI) is a crown corporation established under the Health Services Act and is responsibile for the delivery of publicly funded health services in Prince Edward Island. This corporation is govered by a Board of Directors who works on behalf of all Islanders to ensure the management and delivery of safe, quality health care. The board oversees the work of the Chief Executive Officer and is accountable to the Provincial Minister of Health and Wellness.

The Provincial Integrated Palliative Care Program (P-IPCP) is one of many health services provided by HPEI. Established in 2004 as an integrated approach to palliative care, this program is managed by a Provincial Integrated Palliative Care Team and provides a combination of active & compassionate therapies intended to comfort & support individuals living with or dying from a progressive life threatening illness, their families & the bereaved.


In the spring of 2018, the P-IPCP received funding support from the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) to build upon the foundation of P-IPCP to provide earlier integration and better access to quality palliative and EOL care in many care settings across the province including Home Care, Long-term Care, Acute Care and the Provincial Cancer Treatment Centres, Primary Care, Emergency Medical Services and First Nations Communities (a total of 40 health care sites).

One of the main outcomes of the project is to build provider competency in palliative care by adopting provider algorithms, assessment tools/resources including care pathways and guidelines for qulity palliative care. The SPICT tool has been identified by the Project Management Team as a potential tool that would be helpful to identify people with general indicators of poor or deteriorating health and clinical signs of life-limiting conditions for assessment and care planning. All providers will receive training on how to use this tool (in addition to Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Scale, Palliative Performance Scale) to build provider competency in palliative care. Once trained, providers will determine what data will be collected surrounding the implementation of this tool to support the Project and the work of our CPAC partnership.

Life and Death Matters

Victoria, British Columbia

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

The mission of Life and Death Matters is to improve care of the dying person and their family through "delicious and digestible", engaging and user-friendly, palliative care education and resources for nurses, health care workers, and educators.

The text, 'Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse, and companion workbook, online resources and instructor resources are designed for nurses and nursing students. The content addresses competencies for all nurses who care for the dying.

The text, 'Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers, the companion workbook, online resources and instructor resources are designed for front-line caregivers, those will less than a year of formal health care education. These caregivers are often with the person and family more than any other team members, and yet are often provided the least education and support.

In 2019 the nursing text was adapted and translated into Spanish for use in Mexico and Latin America.


The SPICT is included in the chapter on TOOLS in both the English and Spanish version of the nursing text.

The text is being used in core curriculum for nurses, including Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Practical Nurse programs.

In the workplace the text is used for orientation and ongoing education in long term care, hospice and palliative care, community care and acute care settings.

Other information

We look forward to connecting with others in the SPICT community.
Please feel free to reach out to us!
Warm regards,
Kath Murray
Life and Death Matters

Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Heatlh

1515 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC

Platinum Partner

Services Offered

BC Palliative Care Benefits support individuals of any age at the end stage of a life-threatening disease or illness and want to receive medically appropriate palliative care at home.

Through this program, B.C. residents who are eligible to receive palliative care services at home can:
• receive PharmaCare assistance with the cost of palliative medications
• access certain palliative medical supplies and equipment from their health authority


Palliative Care Benefits are available to all B.C. residents with active MSP coverage who:
• are living at home
• have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or condition
• have a life expectancy of up to six months, and
• consent to the focus of care being palliative rather than treatment aimed at cure.

The Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool helps guide the medical/nurse practitioners in determining a patient’s medical eligibility.

Vancouver Coastal health

Vancouver, Canada


Services Offered

Embedding a palliative approach in residential care


To identify residents who would be appropriate for a palliative approach to care


Central West Community Care Access Centre and the Central West Palliative Care Network, Brampton

Services Offered

The CW CCAC palliative services support people with life-limiting conditions to remain in their own home e.g. nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, speech language pathology and personal support work.The CWPCN provides leadership for a high quality comprehensive, integrated and well coordinated hospice palliative care system in Central West region.

Uses of SPICT

The SPICT tool is one of the clinical tools being used with primary care providers as part of the Central West Early Palliative Identification Project through IDEAS (Improving and Driving Excellence Across Sectors).The project aims to increase its identification of patients having palliative care needs from current 2.6% to at least 10% to enable access to optimal palliative care and improve patient quality of life.Website: www.cwpcn.caContact: Rita Khamis

Ottawa – Ottawa Inner City Health

Services Offered

OICH aims to improve the health and access to health care for people who are chronically homeless.Screenshot 2014-12-15 14.26.46Our main function is to coordinate and integrate health care services so that homeless individuals can receive the same quality of health care as other Canadians. Health issues while homeless are often complicated by the lack of housing, family support and care. In response, OICH has special health care units which are located within local homeless shelters creating a safe environment where health care can be provided. These special units are staffed by personal support workers and supported by visiting nurses and doctors. They are operated through a partnership between the shelters.This model has been well accepted by homeless clients and supports health outcomes which are comparable to the Canadian standard. These services, every extent possible, embrace harm reduction principles, which is a public health approach that emphasizes reducing the harmful effects of drug and alcohol use among people who are currently unable to stop using.

Uses of SPICT

The tool is being used within a pilot to enhance the capacity of Ottawa Inner City Health to provide palliation of suffering and troubling symptoms to homeless people who are frail, living with chronic disease and those at risk of developing life threatening illnesses. The intent in implementing this strategy is to compliment active treatment and restorative care while minimizing the suffering of those living with complex health needs. This approach will be appropriate for any client considered to be “frail” and not limited by a diagnosis, prognosis, age or willingness to accept palliative care.To measure the prevalence of need among our client group, a baseline measure will be established using the SPICT tool by engaging different clinical providers within our organization. The results of this pilot will be used to develop an implementation plan and, to identify key interventions. The interventions will include physical illness, mental illness, substance use, spiritual and social needs and will be subject to measure of impact to determine whether or not they are effective with our population.Website: www.ottawainnercityhealth.caContact: Mr Jamie Muckle Msc  

logoSouth West Hospice Palliative Care Network, South Western Ontario – South West LHIN

Services Offered

Information and resources about Hospice and Palliative Care Services in the South West LHIN, including up to date and relevant tools and resources related to palliative care.You will be kept abreast of current research, best practices and commentary related to palliative care and you will be informed of relevant educational events and meetings.

Uses of SPICT

The SPICT Tool has been identified in the South West LHIN as a resource that promotes early identification of individuals in need of palliative care. Currently the SPICT Tool is being used in Grey Bruce and will be piloted in Oxford County, London Middlesex, Huron Perth and Elgin County in various settings. The vision is to promote early identification across the SWLHIN and standardize use of the SPICT Tool in acute care, community, residential hospice and primary care. The South West Local Health Integration Network looks forward to use of the electronic SPICT Tool.Website: www.swpalliativecare.caContact: Lisa Rigg