Sharing bad news with REDMAP


Can we talk about what's happening with your health/the results of your tests?
We need to share important information with you. Is there anyone you'd like to involve?
What do you know/have you been told already?
Do you want to tell/ask me about anything?


What we know is... We don’t know... We are not sure ...
-Share information in small chunks with pauses; use clear language.
-Give the person time to respond to the information.
-Make an appropriate, empathetic response


What is important to you?
What would help you the most?
What can we do to help?
Is there anything you'd like help with now?
What would (person's name) say about this situation? Can I ask why they would say that?


What we can do is... Some things we could do are.....It sounds as if you think...
I wish that was possible but I'm afraid that will not help/is not available to us because..


Let’s make a plan for what we'll do next.
This is how to contact us. We'll see/speak to you ...

Jan 2024

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