Talking about Care Planning with REDMAP


Can we talk about your health and care?
Who should be involved?


What do you know? Do you want to tell/ask me about anything?
How have things been recently? What has changed?
Some people think about what might happen if?


What we know is... We don’t know... We are not sure ...
I hope that, but I am worried about… It is possible that you might….
Do you have questions or worries we can talk about?


What is important to you and your family?
How would you like to be cared for?
What would you like to be able to do? Is there anything you'd like help with now?
Is there anything you don't want?
What would (person's name) say about this situation, if we could ask them? Can I ask why they would say that?


What we can do is... Options that can help are....
This will not help because.... That does not work when...


Let’s plan ahead for when/if....
Making some plans in advance helps people get better care.

Jan 2024